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Probiotics Boost Mood in People on Antidepressants

If any of your patients are taking antidepressants, make sure they are also supplementing with probiotics daily. According to a study in Translational Psychiatry, probiotic “add-on” therapy helps decrease depression among men and women on prescription antidepressants.  Study Details & Highlights For the 31-day study, performed on inpatients at the UniversityRead

Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in Pregnancy on Postpartum Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

postpartum depression

Growing evidence about the microbiome and gut brain axis suggests that taking specific strains of probiotics may be an important aspect of mental health, and more specifically postpartum depression, which affects 10-15% of women. In this study, published by EBioMedicine, a LANCET publication, researchers studied the effects of probiotics supplementationRead

Combination Probiotics and Ayurvedic Triphala Supports Longevity and Reduces Risk of Chronic Disease

We know the bacteria in the gut influence overall health, but what about longevity and healthy aging? In this study by McGill University, scientists found that a combination formula of probiotics and the herbal supplement Triphala might be the secret to longevity. When scientists fed fruit flies with a combinationRead

Klaire Labs (SFI USA) Announces Availability of Target gb-X™

Reno, NV— Klaire Labs (SFI USA) today announced availability of Target gb-X™ with Ecologic BARRIER, a unique 9-strain blend to support positive mood. This shelf stable, 5B CFU probiotic was specifically designed to influence the gut-brain axis through defined mechanisms including strengthening of the gut barrier function, modulation of cytokinesRead


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