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Two New Sleep Studies Show Damage from Lack of Sleep and Mindfulness Training as a Solution

Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep

Two new studies out recently provide insight into the importance of sleep for mental health and how the practice of mindfulness training provides an alternative approach to treating insomnia. A study from Annals of Behavioral Medicine shows that it takes only three consecutive nights of sleep loss to cause one’sRead

Framingham Heart Study Data: Omega-3 Index as Predictive of Early Death and Cigarette Smoking

Low Omega-3 Index as predictive as tobacco use for early death

An inadequate Omega-3 Index may be just as powerful in predicting early death as smoking. It’s a bold statement made in a research paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This study is based on data from the Framingham Heart Study. The Framingham Heart Study provided unique insightsRead

DISCOVERY: New Study Points to the Mouth and Gums as a Transmission Path for COVID-19

Are the Mouth and Gums a Transmission Path for COVID-19? Could Good Oral Health and Mouthwash Reduce Risk? Just released research, published in Genesis Publications, introduces a new model explaining why gum disease and poor oral hygiene could be a more accurate predictor for COVID-19 severity than patient age,ethnicity, orRead

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): Setting the Record Straight


By Jessie Hawkins, PhD/ Elderberries–dark purple berries from the Sambucus nigra plant–have become a universal natural remedy for respiratory complaints such as the common cold and seasonal influenza (Roxas, 2007; Blumenthal, 2003). Native to northern Europe, the elderberry has a centuries-long history of medicinal use. Since the onset of theRead

Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications of COVID-19 in Younger Adults

Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications

Young healthy adults with mild COVID-19 symptoms may have an increased risk of cardiovascular and heart complications, and may continue for some time after infection. This according to new research published in Experimental Physiology, highlights the possible long term health impacts of COVID-19 non-hospitalized young adults who had only minorRead


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