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blood sugar dips
blood sugar dips and weight loss

Unexpected Blood Sugar Dips May Explain Why Weight Loss is So Difficult for Some People

New research shows that people who experience big blood sugar dips, several hours after eating, end up feeling hungrier and consuming hundreds more calories during ...
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Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep
circadian clock

Abnormal Clock Gene Linked to Dawn Phenomenon in Type-2 Diabetes

For prediabetes and Type-2 diabetes who regularly monitor their blood sugar, there is a well-known issue called dawn phenomenon. It is characterized by a rise ...
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Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance Develops as part of Elevated Free Fatty Acids

While it is commonly accepted that free fatty acids (FFA) cause insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in obese individuals, which drives hyperinsulinemia. However, as this new ...
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Botanical Medicine

Study Shows Goldenseal May Interact with Metformin and Compromise Glucose Control

Diabetic patients taking the natural product goldenseal while taking the prescription drug metformin may be unwittingly sabotaging efforts to maintain healthy blood glucose levels, as ...
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DISCOVERY: Nature Med Gut Study Connects Microbes with Biomarkers of Disease
Gut Microbiome

DISCOVERY: Nature Med Study Connects Gut Microbes with Biomarkers of Disease

A large-scale international study using metagenomics and blood chemical profiling discovered a panel of 15 gut microbes that are closely associated with lower risks of ...
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ketogenic diet
Cardiovascular Health

Animal Study: High-Fat, Ketogenic Diet May Prevent & Reverse Heart Failure

An animal study from Saint Louis University finds that high fat or ketogenic diet could completely prevent, or even reverse heart failure caused by a ...
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Glutathione Precursor GlyNAC Reverses Premature Aging with HIV

A new study from Baylor College of Medicine shows that findings supplementing GlyNAC, a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine, corrects glutathione deficiencies in humans with ...
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Immune Health

Hemicellulose as an Immune Enhancing Tool

The Impact of Hemicellulose from Plants and Mushroom-Derived Polysaccharides on Immune Function Hemicellulose isn’t a new thing. In fact, it is as timeless as the ...
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keto diet

Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet in Older Adults Dramatically Improves Metabolic Health

What is the value of very low carbohydrate diets? A new study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, from researchers with the University of Alabama at ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Tufts U Study Shows Low Vitamin K Associated with Higher Mortality

A new, multi-ethnic study found older adults with low vitamin K levels were more likely to die within 13 years compared to those whose vitamin ...
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