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health risks of sitting
high intensity exercise

Two Myth Busting Studies: Health Risks of Sitting & the Benefits of Short-Burst High Intensity Exercise

In recent years, every major news outlet, and even medical journals, reported that the health risks of sitting at a desk for 8 hours were ...
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It May be Possible to Monitor Alzheimer’s Progression by Measuring Glutathione with MRI

In a human study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), which protects the brain from stress, has been found to be ...
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John Weeks
Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine

A Natural Partner: Integrative Health Advances at the American Congress for Rehabilitative Medicine

The evolution of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) began in the 1930s with a founding focus on a single emerging modality and now ...
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Klaire Labs

Klaire Labs (SFI USA) Announces the availability of Acumen, the most extensively studied Bacopa monnieri : CDRI 08

Reno, NV – Klaire Labs (SFI USA) today announced the launch of Acumen, the most extensively studied extract of Bacopa monnieri (whole aerial plant extract ...
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John Weeks

Inclusion Check-in: Are Integrative Practices in New Federal Opioid Legislation, National Academy, and FDA Activity?

One can easily count the chickens of non-pharmacological approaches highlighted in multiple organizational guidelines and state strategies related to pain and opioids. But one definitely ...
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Link Between Gut Microbiome, Obesity, Diabetes, Depression and Anxiety

Like everyone, people with type 2 diabetes and obesity suffer from depression and anxiety, but even more so. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center now have ...
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cytokines and inflammation
Allergy Research Group

How Cytokines and Inflammation Relate to Sleep (Napping Encouraged!)

In this article we explore the science behind how cytokines and inflammation relate to sleep. So many individuals experience a lack of sleep in overall ...
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sedatives and sleep
antihistamines and sleep

Stimulants and Sedatives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Stimulants and sedatives, they are a push-pull solution to our stress-packed world that are nothing but trouble. In our go-go-go world, we see not only ...
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Relaxation and Healthy Sleep
Allergy Research Group

Ancient Remedies of Chinese Medicine and from the Celts Support Relaxation and Healthy Sleep

In addition to popular botanicals and botanically-derived substances like ashwagandha and L-theanine, many other natural agents that support relaxation and healthy sleep also exist. As ...
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Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep
Allergy Research Group

Melatonin: Coping with the Difficulties of Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep

Many a time in life when stress hormones are flying, our patients experience the unfortunate experience of insomnia and disrputed sleep. The experience of insomnia ...
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