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Pine Bark Extract Improves Mild Cognitive Impairment

The benefits of pine bark extract continue to evolve with emerging science. This most recent study examined the benefits of Pycnogenol® (Horphag) supplementation over a two-month-period in otherwise healthy individuals with minimal cognitive impairment and initial cognitive dysfunction selected on the basis of their Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score. ImpairmentsRead

Moderate Carbohydrate Diet Extends Longevity by Four Years, says Lancet Study

Low or moderate carbohydrate intake, which is better for overall health? For the past decade, Americans have touted the benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet, among them the Atkins, Paleo and Ketogenic. While shunning highly processed carbohydrates is always recommended, strict adherence to these diets also snubbed certain complex carbohydrates suchRead

Infrared Light Irradiation on Retinal Artery, Vein Blood Flow & Atherosclerosis-inducing Factors

In this small pilot study, published in Integrative Medicine Research (Dec. 2017), researchers evaluated the influence of pinpoint plantar long-wavelength infrared light irradiation (stress-free therapy; SFT) on chorioretinal hemodynamics (retinal artery and vein blood flows) as well as its influences on atherosclerosis-inducing factors (triglycerides; TG, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, high-densityRead

Fasting Mimicking Trial Shows Promise for Chronic Disease Reduction

Todays Practitioner

Fasting is more than a popular diet fad, according to a recently released University of Southern California Davis study. A five-day fast once a month could reduce one’s risk of life threatening diseases and result in weight loss. For 71 adults, participating in a fasting-mimicking” phase II trial at theRead

Doctors Rethink Calcium and Fracture Risk Advice

Doctor’s hardened advice to take calcium to prevent age-related fractures is softening. Two studies in the British Medical Journal released in October 2015, shows that increasing calcium intake through dietary sources or supplements does nothing to improve bone health or prevent fractures in older people. The studies suggest that increasingRead


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