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Expert Round-Table on Thyroid Immune Testing, Guidelines and Clinical Impact on Women’s Health

Diagnosing and treating thyroid conditions in women is extremely important, concluded a group of practitioners in a recent round-table discussion, “Thyroid Immune Testing – Guidelines, Testing Platforms, and Clinical Impact on Women’s Health,” and published in the Journal of Women’s Health. The goal of the Expert Panel Discussion was toRead

Newly Found Lymphatic System Connects Brain & Immunity

You can forget everything you learned in medical school about the lymphatic system (well, not everything). But researchers at the University of Virginia found undiscovered vessels that directly connect the brain and lymphatic system, as published in Nature. Despite decades of contrary opinions they did not exist, this changes everythingRead

Practice Model: Nutritional Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis
This archived case study by Dan Lukaczer, ND is a useful model for practitioners seeking to develop a nutritional approach to treating arthritic symptoms. As Lukaczer points out in this case study, the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis [or any form of arthritis] and the myriad potential environmental triggers is beyond

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Clues Connect Estrogen and Autoimmune Disease

There is a phenomenon that scientists have yet to solve, regardless of whether a woman lives in the United States, where medical care is relatively good, or third world nations, where medical care is often scarce: women are less likely to die from infectious diseases than men. The lower death rate has been attributed to a beneficial, yet unexplained effect estrogen has on the immune system. Females of child-bearing age are more resistant to infectious disease and have an increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This study hypothesized that estrogen-induced gene expression could establish an immunoactivated state which would render enhanced defense against infection, but may be deleterious in autoimmune development.By Nicholas A. Young, Lai-Chu Wu, et al, Estrogen modulation of endosome-associated toll-like receptor 8: An IFNα-independent mechanism of sex-bias in systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical Immunology, March 2014

Integrative Nutritional Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis

This archived case study Dan Lukaczer, ND is a useful model for practitioners seeking to develop a nutritional approach to treating arthritic symptoms. As Lukaczer points out in this case study, the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis [or any form of arthritis] and the myriad potential environmental triggers is beyond the scope of this report. Instead, this paper addresses the use of a focused nutritional support program and discusses select environmental influences to illustrate the rationale behind this clinical approach. Given the complexity of RA, no one approach can benefit all patients, but it is hoped that the case illustrated here will show how a nutritional program can be personalized, leading to a clinically-beneficial result. Registered users and Today’s Practitioner members can access the entire case study.

Integrative Nutritional Approach to the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Published in Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal Vol. 4, No. 2 by Dan Lukaczer, ND

Integrative Solutions for Thyroid Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are a group of disorders in which the immune system dysfunctions and attacks host tissues. Although the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease has not been elucidated, there are several factors that have been associated with the disorder. Factors include genetic predisposition, nutrient deficiencies, use of certain medications affecting thyroid function, and environmental factors including exposure to radiation, heavy metals, and chemical contaminants. Thyroid disorders are often treated with drug therapy, which often have serious side effects and do not necessarily treat the underlying condition leading to the thyroid dysfunction. In recent years there has been increased interest in herbs and supplements as individuals take more interest in their health and well being…


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