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Curcumin and Turmerones: A Powerful Natural Medicine Explained

There’s no doubt that we need to drastically improve our health. The fact that 60 percent of Americans are taking some kind of prescription drug should set off alarms in everyone. Synthetic medicines typically create more problems than they claim to solve. They are “one track” solutions to problems thatRead

NAFLD Damages the Brain

Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have increased odds of depression, dementia, and other neurological conditions, according to a study in the Journal of Hepatology. NAFLD is usually caused by a high-sugar, high-fat diet, which has been linked to brain fog, mood imbalances, and other brain-related symptoms on itsRead

Chicory and Chicoric Acid Show Potential Health Benefits

chicory root

Chicoric acid, a hydroxycinnamic acid, derived most commonly in the roots of chicory (Cichorium intybus), purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), and basil. Each possesses a variety of health benefits, such as antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, weight management, and neuroprotector. A number of companies are selling chicory root as a dietary supplement forRead

Interaction of Neurotransmitters and Neurochemicals with Lymphocytes, including the Endocannabinoid System

Neurotransmitters and neurochemicals

Neurotransmitters and neurochemicals can act on lymphocytes by binding to receptors expressed by lymphocytes. This review describes lymphocyte expression of receptors for a selection of neurotransmitters and neurochemicals, the anatomical locations where lymphocytes can interact with neurotransmitters, and the effects of the neurotransmitters on lymphocyte function. Implications for health andRead

The Endocannabinoid System and Potential Therapeutic Uses in Multiple Sclerosis and other Neuroinflammatory Diseases

Multiple sclerosis is the most common inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, caused by an autoimmune response against myelin that eventually leads to progressive neurodegeneration and disability. Although the knowledge on its underlying neurobiological mechanisms has considerably improved, there is a still unmet need for new treatment options,

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The Role of Nutrition and the Gut-Brain Axis in Psychiatry: A Literature Review

blood sugar dips and weight loss

Individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders experience high levels of illness burden and a significantly reduced quality of life. Despite targeted psychopharmacological strategies and complementary psychotherapeutic procedures only moderate effects are obtained, and the risk of relapse is high in many patients. This narrative review highlights the important role of nutritionRead


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