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Body Parts have Individual Circadian Clocks that Respond to Day and Night

Circadian clocks

It is well known that the body’s circadian clock operates from a central point in the hypothalamus. But does the body have other circadian clocks that operate independently? Apparently so, according to this study from the journal Cell. This means, for instance, that the liver sense when someone is staringRead

Ancient Remedies of Chinese Medicine and from the Celts Support Relaxation and Healthy Sleep

Relaxation and Healthy Sleep

In addition to popular botanicals and botanically-derived substances like ashwagandha and L-theanine, many other natural agents that support relaxation and healthy sleep also exist. As practitioners, the more tools we can have in our toolkit the better, as almost daily we encounter someone who has “tried everything,” reacts paradoxically, orRead

Sleep Apnea & Drug-Resistant Hypertension

coronary disease

Response rates to drugs for hypertension are at best 50-50. The reasons are vast including non-compliance, obesity, kidney disease and sleep apnea, A meta-analysis conducted by an international team of sleep and respiratory researchers suggests that untreated sleep apnea may be a major factor in why medications appear to beRead


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