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Nutritional Medicine

Resource Center

Benefits of Bitters

You may have noticed cocktail bitters listed on the drink menu at your favorite restaurant, or maybe you’ve seen a bottle of them while walking down the aisles at the …

Extra Magnesium May Help Prevent Dementia

An abundant mineral in the body that’s also naturally present in many foods, magnesium is a cofactor in more than ...

Integration of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products in Cardiometabolic Care

Available now! This self-guided 60-90 minute mini-course reviews evidence-based therapies for obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Access the course here.    Presenter: ...

Vitamin B12 Insufficiency Resulting from Long-Term Metformin Therapy

Long term use of Metformin shown to negatively impact Vitamin B12 levels due to malabsorption

B Vitamins & Metabolic Syndrome

Results of a longitudinal prospective cohort study were recently published in JAMA Network, detailing the associations between total B vitamin intake and ...

Carotenoid Combo Enhances Eye-Hand Coordination

Lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin are antioxidant carotenoids best known for their powerful eye-protective benefits. Now researchers believe this synergistic combo ...

Selenium Nanoparticles Destroy Ovarian Cancer Cells

In-vitro studies have shown that high doses of selenium have powerful anti-cancer properties. But until recently, scientists have been unable ...

Spring Clean Your Microbiota: Trillions of Tiny Lives That Influence Your Health

Emerging research suggests that the microbiota influences many aspects of wellbeing, far beyond digestive and immune health. Nurturing these trillions of tiny lives requires a ...
COVID-19 Variants

Omega-3s Protect Against Severe Covid

People who consume more omega-3 fatty acids — particularly EPA and DHA — are less likely to suffer from severe ...

Vitamin E Alleviates Postmenopausal Insomnia

According to a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in Nutrients, vitamin E was shown to help alleviate chronic insomnia disorder and enhance ...

Bacillus Probiotic Helps Eliminate Staph in the Gut

One particular probiotic strain found in supplements — Bacillus subtilis — was shown to dramatically reduce Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) ...


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