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sad mood
gut brain axis

Multi-species Probiotics Affect Reaction to Sad Mood

It is widely understood that the intestine and the brain are closely connected via the brain-gut axis, which is includes bidirectional communication through the neural, ...
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gut brain axis

Klaire Labs (SFI USA) Announces Availability of Target gb-X™

Reno, NV— Klaire Labs (SFI USA) today announced availability of Target gb-X™ with Ecologic BARRIER, a unique 9-strain blend to support positive mood. This shelf ...
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abdominal pain
Gastrointestinal Health

Unique Probiotic Strain May Reduce Depression in IBS Patients

The role of probiotics for gastrointestinal conditions is well known, however a new study shows a specific strain of probiotics may also relieve symptoms of ...
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Integrative Medical News Update

This week we feature a round up of integrative medical news published in the last 30 days. Prebiotics Support Beneficial REM Sleep and Reduced Stress ...
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Cognitive Health

Potential Inhibition of Cognitive Decline with B Vitamins & Omega-3s

This article, provided by our content partner Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED), discusses a previously unknown association related to the possible inhibition of ...
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Functional Forum

Functional Forums

Today's Practitioner Registered Members May Access Archived Functional Forum Videos. Register or Log In.
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Allesio Fasano

Why Joe Pizzorno Says You Need to Know Alessio Fasano, MD

It’s not often that you hear a doctor use words like “remarkable” and “most clinically important lectures ever,” when referring to a conference lecture. Those ...
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