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Two Studies on Exercise to Improve Cognition

Two studies released recently on exercise to improve cognition show that small bouts of intermittent exercise throughout a day improves memory and decision making in older adults.

Two studies released recently on exercise to improve cognition show that small bouts of intermittent exercise throughout a day improves memory and decision making in older adults. One study shows that a single bout of exercise provides a boost to the mind for some adults. Another study shows that morningRead

Caprylic Acid Shows Greater Plasma Ketone Response in Humans Consuming Different Medium-Chain Triglycerides

caprylic acid

Which medium chain fatty acids–caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid or lauric acid–has more ketogenic properties? Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are ketogenic but the relationship between the change in plasma ketones and changes in plasma medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) is not well-known. As researchers learn more about fasting andRead

Vitamin D’s Affect on Memory, Learning and Hippocampal Volume

We have long known the connection between vitamin D and mental health, however, new research may have found that the reason for vitamin D deficiency’s effect on learning and memory may be due to its effect on Perineuronal nets (PNNs) and hippocampal volume. Perineuronal nets, specialized extracellular matrix structures inRead

Ayurvedic Profiling of Alzheimer’s Disease, by Dale Bredesen, MD and Rammohan V. Rao, PhD

In this clinical review, Ayurvedic Profiling of Alzheimer’s Disease, by Dale E. Bredesen, MD and Rammohan V. Rao, PhD published from our partners at Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, two experts share their experiences in treating Alzheimer’s disease by profiling Ayurvedic sub-types. They suggest that by identifying the specific Ayurvedic

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Safety and Efficacy of Medical Cannabis in Elderly Patients: A Retrospective Review in a Neurological Outpatient Setting

Medical Cannabis in Elderly Patients

As more states legalize medical cannabis, clinicians are seeking more information on how it may affect elderly populations for chronic conditions associated with aging. In this study, published in the journal Neurology, researchers evaluated medical cannabis’ (MC) efficacy and adverse effects (AE) in patients 75 years of age or older.Read

Higher Protein Intake Associated with Reduced Disability in Old Age

protein intake

Aging adults are the fastest growing age group in Western societies. As such, the risk of disability that prevents older individuals from taking care of daily basic functions is high. In this study, published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, researchers explored how protein intake helps people maintain independence.Read


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