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New Diagnostic Tool Diagnoses Early Chronic Kidney Disease and Stops Progression

kidney cancer

Researchers have developed a new test that could diagnose early chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. This novel method, published in AACC’s Clinical Chemistry journal, could improve quality of life for diabetic patients by potentially catching chronic kidney disease in time to stop its progression to full-blownRead

White mulberry, white bean, and green coffee lowers glucose spikes and insulin peaks after high-carb meals

glucose spikes

Lowering glucose spikes through diet alone to prevent metabolic disorders can be a challenge because of patient compliance. As this recent study shows, there is increasing evidence that low-glycemic index and low-glycemic load dietary patterns may play a role in preventing disorders such as overweight, obesity, glucose intolerance, pre-diabetes, diabetes,Read

Infrared Light Irradiation on Retinal Artery, Vein Blood Flow & Atherosclerosis-inducing Factors

In this small pilot study, published in Integrative Medicine Research (Dec. 2017), researchers evaluated the influence of pinpoint plantar long-wavelength infrared light irradiation (stress-free therapy; SFT) on chorioretinal hemodynamics (retinal artery and vein blood flows) as well as its influences on atherosclerosis-inducing factors (triglycerides; TG, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, high-densityRead

Stevia. Is it Nature’s Secret to Metabolic Syndrome?

stevia metabolic syndrome

Stevia rebaudiana (SR), a popular calorie-free sweetener, may possess more health properties than originally thought, namely reducing the factors associated with metabolic syndrome. According to a new study, “Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni: A Natural Alternative for Treating Diseases Associated with Metabolic Syndrome,” published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, both in vitroRead


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