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Curcumin and Turmerones: A Powerful Natural Medicine Explained

There’s no doubt that we need to drastically improve our health. The fact that 60 percent of Americans are taking some kind of prescription drug should set off alarms in everyone. Synthetic medicines typically create more problems than they claim to solve. They are “one track” solutions to problems thatRead

Demystifying Methylation: Patterns, Processes and the Pivotal Role of B vitamins.

Methylation is a complex, often poorly understood subject—but it’s essential for overall wellness, vitality and disease prevention. As a central player in regulating gene expression and cellular function, methylation impacts a wide variety of biological processes, and imbalances are implicated in a range of disorders and health conditions. For integrativeRead

Crafting a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Protocol

Seven science-backed interventions to tame inflammation, lower cholesterol, minimize cardiometabolic risk factors and support your patients’ heart health   Of all the disease and conditions practitioners face, cardiovascular health is one of the most complex and nuanced, influenced by factors ranging from gut health to genetics, an effective protocol requiresRead

A Promising Herbal Therapy for Patients with SIBO

Could there be natural support for patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)? SIBO is characterized by a higher concentration of bacteria exceeding 100,000 colony-forming units per mL of fluid in the proximal jejunum. It can cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, and malnutrition. SIBORead

Raise Your Practice’s Bottom Line, Streamline Processes and Improve Patient Compliance – White Paper

Everyday a new study supports the practice of prescribing dietary supplements for obtaining and maintaining optimal patient health and wellness, hence the growing $3 billion field of in-office supplement sales. Professional-line brands offer the ideal combination of quality, efficacy and clinical research you want for your practice. However, managing theRead


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