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Doctors Rethink Calcium and Fracture Risk Advice

Doctor’s hardened advice to take calcium to prevent age-related fractures is softening. Two studies in the British Medical Journal released in October 2015, shows that increasing calcium intake through dietary sources or supplements does nothing to improve bone health or prevent fractures in older people. The studies suggest that increasingRead

Seven Amino Acids Lower Blood Pressure Equal to Lifestyle Changes

Plant Proteins, Beans, Todays Practitioner

Loading up on beans, lentils, spinach and broccoli could do as much to reduce blood pressure as lifestyle changes. And, the amino acids in meat, fish and dairy could be a good way to reduce arterial stiffness. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition, from the University of East AngliaRead

Newly Found Lymphatic System Connects Brain & Immunity

You can forget everything you learned in medical school about the lymphatic system (well, not everything). But researchers at the University of Virginia found undiscovered vessels that directly connect the brain and lymphatic system, as published in Nature. Despite decades of contrary opinions they did not exist, this changes everythingRead

Iron Improves Women’s Exercise Performance

It is the first time researchers have been able to confirm that iron supplementation has beneficial effects on exercise performance. Dr Sant-Rayn Pasricha from the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health said the findings could have implications for improved performance in athletes and health and general health and well-being in the rest of the population. “It may be worthwhile screening women, including women training as elite athletes, for iron deficiency, and ensuring they receive appropriate prevention and treatment strategies. Athletes, especially females, are at increased risk of iron deficiency potentially, due to their diets and inflammation caused by excessive exercise,” said Pasricha.

Flavocoxid: Dual Inhibitor of Cyclooxegenase and 5-Lipoxegenase

Integrative medicine clinicians from various professional backgrounds and fields are encountering an ever-growing population of patients/clients suffering from acute and chronic pain conditions, many of these being inflammatory in nature including; sports injuries, degenerative and inflammatory arthritis, autoimmune-related disorders, and many more. Many of these patients experience significant gastrointestinal, renal, and coagulation side-effects, and more, and may not even be aware of them until they cause a serious medical disorder. There are emerging highly standardized and evidence-based natural agents that effectively modulate the same enzyme pathways as anti-inflammatory medications with much lower side-effect profiles. One such extract with strong supporting human outcome studies, flavocoxid, will be discussed in this article with emphasis on its safety profile and balanced action across a multitude of inflammatory pathways.

Published in Nutritional Perspectives: Journal of the Council on Nutrition of the American Chiropractic Association, Vol. 36, No. 3, by David Brady, ND.


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