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For a Long Life, Eat More Mushrooms and Algae

Scientists have discovered a food pairing that just might add years to your life. According to a large prospective cohort study in Nutrients, long-term consumption of mushrooms and algae reduces all-cause mortality among older adults. Previous observational studies have linked higher intakes of mushrooms and algae with lower risks of cancer,Read

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide NMN: what you need to know

Chronic disease in the United States, already highly prevalent, is expected to worsen over the next several decades among all age groups. Chronic diseases are ongoing, generally incurable illnesses or conditions, such as heart disease, asthma, cancer, and diabetes. These diseases are often preventable, and frequently manageable through early detection,Read

New Longevity Pathway Discovered

University of Pittsburgh researchers have discovered a new anti-aging pathway that involves cells repairing damaged lysosomes. These structures contribute to longevity by recycling cellular trash. The findings, which were published in the journal Nature, represent a promising new step toward treating age-related diseases driven by leaky lysosomes. “Lysosome damage isRead

Blue Light Accelerates Aging

Spending hours in front of a smart phone, computer, or other device that emits blue light has been associated with mental health issues and even obesity. Now a new study in Frontiers in Aging reveals that blue light exposure may also speed up the aging process. A clinical trial involvingRead

Jarlsberg Cheese Prevents Bone Thinning

Cheese often gets a bad rap for its high calorie count and fat content. But when consumed in small portions, cheese — particularly Jarlsberg cheese — can help preserve bone health. A small comparative clinical trial, published in BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health, shows that a small daily portion of JarlsbergRead

The Role of NAD+ in Aging

Feeling the effects of aging firsthand can be frustrating and even scary. Getting older doesn’t have to be a negative experience. The key is to live a healthy lifestyle to age in health with grace. Implementing the right daily habits and having an effective wellness routine can help you maintainRead

A Youthful Mindset Is Key to Aging, Living Well

Feeling young, even at an advanced age, improves medical rehabilitation outcomes, according to a new study in Gerontology. And having a “youthful mindset” helps prevent disability and illness in older adults. Study Details Researchers followed 194 patients (ages 73–84) undergoing rehabilitation programs for osteoporotic fractures or stroke. Subjects were interviewedRead


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