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High-Fiber Diet Linked with Lowered Dementia Risk

Dietary fiber intake, especially soluble fiber was inversely associated with the risk of dementia among Japanese subjects aged 40–60, according to a new study in Nutritional Neuroscience. The study is part of a large-scale research project at the University of Tsukuba (the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study) involving 3739 JapaneseRead

Shifting the focus of D-glucosamine from a dietary supplement for knee osteoarthritis to a potential anti-aging drug

ABSTRACT / D-Glucosamine is a protective dietary supplement or medicine for osteoarthritis of the knee, a musculoskeletal disease that leads to a significant deterioration in daily activities and quality of life. As glucosamine can restore damaged cartilage worn down by joint disease, there was hope it could also improve symptoms. Data from severalRead

Early Stage Curcumin Study Shows Promise for AD-Related Metabolic-Immune Dysfunction

curcumin and AD

As researchers explore the benefits of curcumin, a recent mice study raises additional promise for metabolic dysfunction and immune disorders related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Because Alzheimer’s disease is the cause of around two-thirds of dementia cases, worldwide, most of the research focus has been on progressive deficit in memoryRead


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