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Specific Transcriptome Changes Associated with Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Patients After Relaxation Response Training

ABSTRACT // Objective: Mind–body practices that elicit the relaxation response (RR) have been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure (BP) in essential hypertension (HTN) and may be an adjunct to antihypertensive drug therapy. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the RR reduces BP remain undefined. Design: Genomic determinants associated with responsivenessRead

Flavonoids Influence Gut Bacteria and Lower Blood Pressure Levels

oids reduce blood pressure, apples, berries and tea reduces dementiasrisk

Flavonoids in foods, including berries, apples, pears and wine, may reduce blood pressure levels, which is partially explained by characteristics of the gut microbiome, according to new research published in Hypertension. “Our gut microbiome plays a key role in metabolizing flavonoids to enhance their cardioprotective effects, and this study providesRead

Five-Minute Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Lower Blood Pressure as Well as Exercise & Meds

Working out just five minutes daily via High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST), a practice described as “strength training for your breathing muscles,” lowers blood pressure and improves some measures of vascular health as well as, or even more than, aerobic exercise or medication. The study, published in JAMA fromRead

Framingham Heart Study Data: Omega-3 Index as Predictive of Early Death and Cigarette Smoking

Low Omega-3 Index as predictive as tobacco use for early death

An inadequate Omega-3 Index may be just as powerful in predicting early death as smoking. It’s a bold statement made in a research paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This study is based on data from the Framingham Heart Study. The Framingham Heart Study provided unique insightsRead

Blood Sugar A1C Biomarker Test for Atherosclerosis?

When running a routine glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) test to track blood sugar levels, you may want to consider also using the test to identify individuals with advanced atherosclerosis. Though the test is used primarily for the diagnosis and management of prediabetes and diabetes, the glycosylated hemoglobin test can provide aRead


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