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Curcumin and Turmerones: A Powerful Natural Medicine Explained

There’s no doubt that we need to drastically improve our health. The fact that 60 percent of Americans are taking some kind of prescription drug should set off alarms in everyone. Synthetic medicines typically create more problems than they claim to solve. They are “one track” solutions to problems thatRead

Collagen Peptides & Joint Health

According to a review in the journal Amino Acids, collagen peptide supplementation (COL) in conjunction with exercise, has been shown to help support healthy joint functionality for people with degenerative bone and joint problems. Collagen peptides are a critical element of extracellular connective tissue, making up one-third of the total proteins in the human body.Read

Clinical Combo Powerhouse: n-3 PUFA & ɤ-Linolenic Acid in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis

This study explores the combined effects of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and ɤ-linolenic acid (GLA) as anti-inflammatory agents to help in the treatment of inflammatory disorder of rheumatoid arthritis. Shifting the Pathological Changes of Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most common autoimmune disorders. TheRead

MAP Bacteria in Milk and Beef May Be Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Should your patients drink cow’s milk? Should they eat red meat? It’s a question that cannot always be answered with a categorical yes or no. This new study from the University of Central Florida, shows that a strain of bacteria commonly found in milk and beef may be an associativeRead

Practice Model: Nutritional Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis
This archived case study by Dan Lukaczer, ND is a useful model for practitioners seeking to develop a nutritional approach to treating arthritic symptoms. As Lukaczer points out in this case study, the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis [or any form of arthritis] and the myriad potential environmental triggers is beyond

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Adults Children of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers More Likely to Develop Arthritis

Addictions Related to Arthritis

According to a study by University of Toronto, the adult offspring of parents who were addicted to drugs or alcohol are more likely to have arthritis. Investigators examined a group of 13,036 adults and found that 20.4 per cent of respondents had been diagnosed with arthritis by a medical professional. Investigators found that 14.5 per cent of all respondents reported having at least one parent whose drug or alcohol use caused problems while were under the age of 18 and still living at home. The Association between a History of Parental Addictions and Arthritis in Adulthood: Findings from a Representative Community Survey, published in International Journal of Population Research, Volume 2014

Integrative Nutritional Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis

This archived case study Dan Lukaczer, ND is a useful model for practitioners seeking to develop a nutritional approach to treating arthritic symptoms. As Lukaczer points out in this case study, the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis [or any form of arthritis] and the myriad potential environmental triggers is beyond the scope of this report. Instead, this paper addresses the use of a focused nutritional support program and discusses select environmental influences to illustrate the rationale behind this clinical approach. Given the complexity of RA, no one approach can benefit all patients, but it is hoped that the case illustrated here will show how a nutritional program can be personalized, leading to a clinically-beneficial result. Registered users and Today’s Practitioner members can access the entire case study.

Integrative Nutritional Approach to the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Published in Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal Vol. 4, No. 2 by Dan Lukaczer, ND


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