Rob Lutz, Founder & Editorial Director
Echinacea & Elderberry Reduces Flu Duration
Mercury in Fish Negatively Outweighs Positive Impact of Omega-3s
Little agreement exists as to whether low-level mercury (Hg) exposure causes damage to the central nervous system in adults. Although eating fish is associated with intake of methylmercury, researchers in this field have generally thought that the beneficial effects of a diet rich in long-chain, n-3 fatty acids (N3FA) can outweigh the cognitive neurotoxicity of mercury. This study clarifies the impact of Hg and intake of seafood on cognition. By Steven C. Masley, MD, FAAFP, CNS, FACN; Lucas V. Masley; C. Thomas Gualtieri, MD, published in Integrative Medicine a Clinicians Journal
Aristo Vojdani & Gulf War Veteran Research
The Sugar Solution by JJ Virgin
In this video, JJ Virgin introduces a new way to rate sugar based on its impact on the body, expanding on her concept that the body isn’t a bank account, it’s a chemistry lab, and food sends powerful chemical messages. Sugar is finally getting the attention it deserves. Following inRead
Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI: The Gut Microbiome Revolution
In this previous year Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI session, Dr. Mullin defines prebiotics and reviews their application in health and disease. He presents the role of diet in modulating the gut microbiome as well as, data illustrating the inverse relationship of dietary fiber intake to obesity risk and theRead
Insight-motivated Learning: Improve Adherence for Treating Chronic Health Conditions
Why do patients resist prescriptive actions? Clearly their reasons are complex, reflecting intentional as well as nonintentional factors. Behavioral research suggests that people fail to follow prescriptive actions when they do not understand potential benefits, when they do not believe they can change, or when they lack an effective plan and reliable social support. Patients may feel uncomfortable about clinicians’ recommendations because they
do not feel understood or they feel they do not have the time or energy to make the necessary lifestyle changes due to recurrent work-family daily pressures. This report addresses a novel means to improve patient compliance, called Insight-Motivated Learning.
The Use of Magnetic Field for the Reduction of Inflammation: A Review of the History and Therapeutic Results
Interest in magnetic field (MF) therapy has increased rapidly in recent years as research shows that this noninvasive, cost-effective modality might be safer than drugs and surgical procedures for reduction of inflammation…
Antioxidants And Other Nutrients Do Not Interfere With Chemotherapy Or Radiation Therapy And Can Increase Kill And Increase Survival, Part 2
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—A Case Report
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by sudden onset of severe unexplained fatigue, lasting 6 months or more.1,2 Associated symptoms include impairment of neurocognitive function, non-refreshing sleep, headache, arthral- gias, postexertional malaise, muscle aches, and recurrent sore throat…