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Dear Doctor, #PleaseTextMe

Reminder: Plz take your meds. How r u feeling 2day? These aren’t texts from Mom, they are from physicians. Text messaging in health care started with routine appointment reminders. Today, evidence shows patients prefer to receive texts and updates from their health-care providers. Physicians report text messaging can influence health behavior and decisions and save time for health care providers. With better compliance outcomes and time savings, why aren’t you texting your patients? Download a free white paper for more on mobile technology and practice management.

The Future of Medicine from Dr. Mark Hyman

On May 7th, Functional Forum, a Today’s Practitioner media partner, is taking on the mother of all topics, The Future of Medicine. Functional Medicine and digital health are on the cutting edge of taking medicine forward, and you will hear from some incredible doctors on the leading edge of the health revolution. The featured speaker is Dr. Mark Hyman, who will talk about the following:

What are the drivers of change in medicine?
How can we work to reverse chronic disease?
What role do community and connectivity play in scaling change?

Today’s Practitioner readers can register here to attend the live event in New York or watch live streaming from the comfort of your home or office.

College Students’ Familiarity with CAM Supplements

As parents increasingly turn to complementary and alternative medicine for their children, researchers pondered whether college students were more or less receptive to CAM. Would a history of use at home influence attitudes as they take control of their own health. These study results may surprise you about overall awareness

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A Case for Ending Calcium Supplements

Should physicians stop prescribing calcium supplements for bone loss? Ian Reid makes a case for ending the practice. Calcium supplements may have little role to play in the modern therapeutics of osteoporosis. Therapy today should be based around prescribing safe and effective anti-resorptive drugs to individuals demonstrated to be at increased risk of future fractures.

Integrative Treatments to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Recognizing the contribution and inter-relatedness of lipoprotein risk factors is critical to prioritizing treatment strategies for cardiovascular risk reduction. Lipoprotein factors still dominate risk for developing cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction. Some emerging risk factors such as C-reactive protein…


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