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Joe Pizzorno ND and Deepak Chopra MD recognized at Integrative Healthcare Symposium

Joe Pizzorno ND and Deepak Chopra MD

Today’s Practitioner congratulates Joe Pizzorno ND and Deepak Chopra MD, who will be recognized at  the Integrative Healthcare Symposium (Feb. 22-24) for the 2018 Leadership and Visionary awards. Pizzorno will be given the Leadership Award, which  recognizes a pioneer whose contributions have shaped integrative healthcare and paved the way forRead

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease: Treatment With Natural Supplements

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease

It is well known among researchers that mitochondrial genetic or primary mitochondrial disorders contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction as well as secondary or acquired degenerative disorders. This review will concentrate on nongenetic or acquired mechanisms that could explain mitochondrial dysfunction and their replacement treatment with natural supplements and combinations of natural supplements, including vitamins, minerals, enzyme cofactors, antioxidants, metabolites, transporters, membrane-type phospholipids, and other natural supplements. Combinations of supplements can reduce significantly the fatigue and other symptoms associated with chronic disease and can naturally restore mitochondrial function, even in long-term patients with intractable fatigue. By Garth Nicholsen, PhD, published in Alternative Therapies Health Med. 2014, Vol. 20, Suppl. 1.

Case Study: A Novel Approach to Thyroid and Adrenal Therapy

This case study represents a common problem for integrative-care physicians. Where do you start with a patient with multiple symptoms that may be complicated by previous drug therapies. “One of the many challenges for any physician is determining the correct course of treatment for patients with more than 1 area of complaint. Should the physician treat the symptoms or the underlying cause of a condition?,” writes Christopher Wellwood MS, DC and Sean Rardin, MD. This case study of a 49-year old patient with multiple symptoms, including a goiter, as well as hyperlipidemia; multiple joint pains; alopecia; fatigue; bilateral, lowerextremity edema; and severe gastric disruption with bloating and acid reflux. By Wellwood, Rardin, published in Integrative Medicine a Clinicians Journal, June 2014.

Acupressure Relieves Sleep Related Neck and Shoulder Pain (Nakchim)


This study reviews the value of acupressure as a drug-free treatment option for a certain type of neck and shoulder pain. East Asian traditional medicine (EATM) describes a particular type of neck and shoulder pain, called nakchim, which occurs from the wrong sleeping posture, neck muscle abnormality and wind-cold assailing.Read

ICU Stays Destroy Gut Microbiome, Ups Sepsis Risk

Researchers at the University of Chicago have shown that after a long stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) only a handful of pathogenic microbe species remain behind in patients’ intestines. The team tested these remaining pathogens and discovered that some can become deadly when provoked by conditions that mimic

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MAP Bacteria in Milk and Beef May Be Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Should your patients drink cow’s milk? Should they eat red meat? It’s a question that cannot always be answered with a categorical yes or no. This new study from the University of Central Florida, shows that a strain of bacteria commonly found in milk and beef may be an associativeRead

Mediterranean-Style Diet & Kidney Function

stroke study
Adhering to a Mediterranean-style diet may significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, according to a study in the most recent Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). Chronic kidney disease is a growing epidemic, and while there has been significant progress in protecting against kidney

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Could Cannabidiol Be the Answer to Treatment-resistant Epilepsy & Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome?

The level of frustration and hopelessness is high among one-third of epilepsy cases that are resistant to medication. A just-released study in Lancet, outlines how a pharmaceutical formulation of cannabidiol (20 mg/kg daily), alongside other anti-epilepsy treatments, reduced the number of drop seizures – seizures which involve sudden falls due

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Auburn University: Beet ‘Bama Secret Weapon

The Auburn University football team may have secret weapon. Football teams are claiming beet root improves their athletic performance. Its not pregame hype, a study from Kansas State University supports the claim and they say it also benefits heart failure patients. Recently, the Auburn University football team revealed its pregame

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