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Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ABSTRACT / Given that the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is believed to be multidimensional, interventions generally have been nonspecific and typically produce only mild to moderate effects. In medical practice, treatment for CFS remains largely symptomatic. Preliminary evidence of the efficacy of acupuncture for CFS is available, butRead

Environmental Costs of Pain Management: Pharmaceuticals vs Physical Therapies

Analgesics are among the most widely used medications in America, and their use is growing rapidly. As a result, the environment is becoming increasingly contaminated with analgesic residues created by the manufacture, consumption, and disposal of these medications. Most analgesic residues that end up in wastewater are not destroyed during treatment in wastewater…

Antioxidants: Redefining Their Roles

The cellular environment is sensitive to the presence of free radicals, which are molecules with unpaired electrons. The most common types of free radicals are formed from the elements oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and chlorine. Cells continually need to balance redox potential (the tendency to gain or lose electrons). This potential can be skewed toward oxidation (a tendency to lose electrons), called oxidative stress, or reduction (a tendency to gain electrons), called reductive stress.


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