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Nutritional Medicine

Resource Center

The Role of NAD+ in Aging

Feeling the effects of aging firsthand can be frustrating and even scary. Getting older doesn’t have to be a negative experience. The key is to live a healthy lifestyle to …

Probiotics Boost Mood in People on Antidepressants

If any of your patients are taking antidepressants, make sure they are also supplementing with probiotics daily. According to a study ...

Researchers Identify 4 Nutrients for Softer Skin

Four supplements — collagen, ceramides, hyaluronan, and procyanidin — can increase skin hydration and ease dry skin, according to a ...

Small Servings of Whey Help Type 2 Diabetics

There’s a new reason to love whey protein powder — it may help type 2 diabetics better manage their blood ...

Fruits and Veggies Improve ADHD in Kids

There’s a simple prescription for treating ADHD in children – eat more fruits and vegetables. New findings published in the ...

Cranberries Provide Neuroprotective Benefits

Blueberries get all the glory when it comes to boosting memory and cognitive function. But according to a new study, ...

Probiotics and Gut Microbiome Trigger Emotion and Mood Brain Signatures

Can probiotics alter the gut microbiome to shift emotion and mood brain signatures? The gut microbiota-brain axis plays an important ...

Biotin Can Skew Blood Tests Results

The next time you order blood tests for a patient, be sure to ask if they are taking biotin. New ...

Krill Oil Boosts Muscle Function and Size in Older Adults

Researchers know that omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in healthy aging. Now a new study published in Clinical ...
Sleep and Relaxation Support

Eight Supplements for Sleep and Relaxation Support

As mentioned in previous articles, phosphatidylserine, ashwagandha, and melatonin, provide a wide array of nutraceuticals with evidence that backs their ...

B Vitamins May Enhance Heart Benefits of Omega-3s

The newest power duo in the supplement world may be B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. A study from the ...


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