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Antioxidants And Other Nutrients Do Not Interfere With Chemotherapy Or Radiation Therapy And Can Increase Kill And Increase Survival, Part 1

Charles B. Simone II, MD; Nicole L. Simone, MD; Victoria Simone, RN; Charles B. Simone, MD Introduction Two of every 5 Americans will develop cancer, and the incidence of most cancers has increased annually since 1930.In addition, since 1930, despite the use of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and improved surgical

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Clinical and Scientific Insights on Hashimoto’s

In this Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI video, Izabella Wentz, Pharm D discusses Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,  the most common autoimmune condition worldwide. The rates are steadily increasing with estimates ranging between 5-25% of the Western population, depending on the diagnostic methods used. When treated conventionally, this condition leaves many patients unwellRead

Bach Flower Therapy In The Treatment Of Chronic Major Depressive Disorder

Bach flower remedies are a unique form of energy medicine that has become increasingly popular among alternative healthcare professionals; they are classified as homeopathic remedies in the United States and are part of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). Discovered by the English physician Edward Bach during the 1930s, the 38 flower tinctures are believed to heal emotional…

Unani Medicine – Part 1 of 3

Yaser Abdelhamid, ND, LAc Abstract Unani medicine is an organic synthesis of Greek, Arabic, and Islamic medical knowledge. It enjoys vast popularity in certain parts of the world, and the World Heritage Center, part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the United Nations Foundation list

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Organic vs Conventionally Grown Foods

The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a review by Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler and others titled: “Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?” The article states: “The purpose of this study is to comprehensively synthesize the published literature on the health, nutritional, and safety characteristics of organic and conventional foods…

Massage Increases Oxytocin, Reduces Adrenocorticotropin

Human beings are highly social creatures who often touch each other during social interactions. Although the physiologic effects of touch are not understood fully, it appears to sustain social bonds and to increase cooperative behaviors. Oxytocin (OT) is a hormone known to facilitate social bonding, and touch may affect OT release. Previous studies seeking to relate massage and oxytocin in humans have been inconsistent in their findings.

Clinical Utility of Curcumin Extract

Turmeric root has been used medicinally in China and India for thousands of years. The active components are thought to be the curcuminoids, primarily curcumin, which is commonly available worldwide as a standardized extract. This article reviews the pharmacology of curcuminoids, their use and efficacy, potential adverse effects, and dosage and standardization….


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