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Research Review of Curcumin

curcumin and AD
In this research review of curcumin, it is apparent that evidence is growing that curcumin, the substance in tumeric, has the potential to take a bigger role in the human diet for its ability to act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering agent. Western Australian researcher, Gautam Sethi, from

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Seven Principles of Integrative Care, White Paper

Todays Practitioner, Digital, Medicine,

The following is an excerpt of a white paper in the seven principles of integrative care, The Pebble in the Pond, How Integrative Leadership Can Bring About Transformation, from Duke University Integrative Medicine. Download the white paper at the end of this post. Principles of Integrative Care Integrative Healthcare aroseRead

Chronic Inflammation and the Western Diet

Chronic inflammation is the 21st century’s leading health epidemic. It is the single common factor that contributes to the development and progression of chronic illnesses, many of which can be caused and modified by diet. As seen in this commentary by John Neustadt, ND, pathologies once viewed as unrelated are now grouped into the category of “inflammatory disease” including: atherosclerosis, dementia, arthritis, vasculitis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. In this report, Neustadt reviews the anti-inflammatory benefits of a “prudent diet,” including the Paleolithic diet and the Mediterranean diet. Though the Paleo diet is more restrictive in grain, legumes, dairy and potato consumption than the Med diet, both have significant overlap in macro and micro-nutrients.

Q&A: Celiac Disease Blood Test

  Dear Today’s Practitioner, “I’m confused about your article on Celiac disease or at least the first paragraph before the article in your newsletter (New ELISA/ELISPOT Blood Test for Celiac). The FDA approved a blood test for celiac disease back in 2004 (by Immco Diagnostics off the top of myRead


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