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Iron Fuels Chronic Heart Failure

A multi-institution study published in Nature Communications reveals that iron drives fatty tissue formation in the heart and leads to chronic heart failure in roughly 50 percent of heart attack survivors. While survival after a heart attack is possible for most, too many survivors have long-term complications such as heartRead

Does Fiber Make IBD Worse?

Eat more fiber — patients with irritable bowel disease (IBD) hear it all the time from well-meaning experts. But what if that advice is wrong, or even harmful? According to a new study in Gastroenterology, certain types of fiber can cause inflammation in people with IBD, actually making symptoms worse.Read

For a Long Life, Eat More Mushrooms and Algae

Scientists have discovered a food pairing that just might add years to your life. According to a large prospective cohort study in Nutrients, long-term consumption of mushrooms and algae reduces all-cause mortality among older adults. Previous observational studies have linked higher intakes of mushrooms and algae with lower risks of cancer,Read


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