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Palmitoleic Acid Research Review

Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

Within the world of essential fatty acids, a significant amount of interest is reserved for omega 3s and specifically for eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Another omega is gaining prominence called omega-7 (n-7), a palmitoleic acid also known for supporting cardiovascular health. When researchers look at the cardio-value of the Mediterranean diet, they see a complex interaction between multiple fatty acids, including omega-3s, omega-6s, omega-9s and omega-7s. The balance of these fats is crucial for overall wellness and longevity. The focus for this slideshow is palmitoleic, a lesser known but the fifth most commonly abundant fatty acid in the body. This is a review of the most recent research on Omega-7s.

A Case for Ending Calcium Supplements

Should physicians stop prescribing calcium supplements for bone loss? Ian Reid makes a case for ending the practice. Calcium supplements may have little role to play in the modern therapeutics of osteoporosis. Therapy today should be based around prescribing safe and effective anti-resorptive drugs to individuals demonstrated to be at increased risk of future fractures.

Chronic Inflammation and the Western Diet

Chronic inflammation is the 21st century’s leading health epidemic. It is the single common factor that contributes to the development and progression of chronic illnesses, many of which can be caused and modified by diet. As seen in this commentary by John Neustadt, ND, pathologies once viewed as unrelated are now grouped into the category of “inflammatory disease” including: atherosclerosis, dementia, arthritis, vasculitis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. In this report, Neustadt reviews the anti-inflammatory benefits of a “prudent diet,” including the Paleolithic diet and the Mediterranean diet. Though the Paleo diet is more restrictive in grain, legumes, dairy and potato consumption than the Med diet, both have significant overlap in macro and micro-nutrients.

Food: The Vital Adjunct to Cardiovascular Care

By Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC As a cardiac care community, we have certainly become exceptionally adroit at managing heart disease – prescribing statins, treating hypertension, and implanting stents and defibrillators. But we do all this while failing to effectively address the underlying fundamental root cause of atherosclerosis – poor nutrition.

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WHITE PAPER: Clinical Apps for Omega-7 & Omega-3 in Cardio Health

Omega-3 fatty acids have been widely studied for decades, with wellestablished benefits to maintaining multiple aspects of cardiovascular health. Emerging science on omega-7 fatty acids is also promising, specifically in regards to lipid metabolism. Content Courtesy of Metagenics, Clinical Applications of Omega-7 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Cardiovascular Health.

Integrative Treatments to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Recognizing the contribution and inter-relatedness of lipoprotein risk factors is critical to prioritizing treatment strategies for cardiovascular risk reduction. Lipoprotein factors still dominate risk for developing cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction. Some emerging risk factors such as C-reactive protein…


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