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Testimonials: How to Get Them. How to Promote Them

We live in the age of social proof, where the opinions of complete strangers can greatly impact our buying decisions. Why Testimonials are Essential Consumers trust the recommendations of their peers at a whopping 92%, and recommendations of strangers at 70%, according to Nielsen research. Given that testimonials significantly influenceRead

White Paper on Improving Patient Compliance, Streamlining Inventory and Practice Protocols

chronic inflammation

In this interview with David Preis, vice president of sales and marketing at Doctors Supplement Store, Today’s Practitioner explores ways to improve patient compliance by guiding your patients toward high-quality brands of dietary supplements for better patient outcomes.  Q: Year-after-year, study-after-study shows that physicians are a patients most trusted source ofRead

Inside Look at Establishing an Integrative Health and Wellbeing Program

Editor’s Note: The following is from Alka Gupta, MD, and Chiti Parikh, MD, Co-Directors, Integrative Health and Wellbeing, New York-Presbyterian and Alumni of the Leadership Program in Integrative Healthcare at Duke University. Gupta and Parikh take readers through their plans, from inception to completion, to create an integrative healthcare programRead

Can You Hear Me Now? Improving Practitioner-Patient Communication

Doctor patient communication

One of the most useful tools in your medical kit isn’t the latest pharmaceutical, supplement or integrative therapy, it’s patient communication. A recent small study highlighted that when it comes to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Americans report widespread interest and usage (30-53%% for adults, 12% children), but too oftenRead


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